Job Offer
Since 2004 we at Remote Viewing Enterprises (R.V.E.) have been offering our customers reliable economic information. The guaranteed success rate of 75% accuracy was constantly maintained during this period as a result of our high quality guidelines.
To strengthen our team, we offer trained Remote Viewers as well as naturally endowed people a future-proof and since 15 years well-proven job.
Use your abilities/skills to turn your hobby into a well-paid profession and join our team!
Your tasks:
- Processing tasks with a success rate of at least 75% (Number of correct processed tasks in a week).
- Each day (Monday to Friday) up to 6 project tasks are made available.
- No obligation to work. Everyone decides for themselves when and how many tasks they want to perform.
Expenditure of time:
- The maximum time required for one session is one hour.
- You decide where you want to work.
- Internet connection required for access to the Web-BackOffice.
- Scanner or scan app required (to upload the processed tasks)
Your Profile:
- You have already successfully completed a training as a Remote Viewer and have the ability to successfully process at least 75% of the tasks.
- You have an ability/natural endowment that enables you to successfully process at least 75% of the tasks.
- You have a technique or another possibility to successfully process at least 75% of the tasks.
Our Offer:
- 75-287 CAD* per correct processed tasks submitted (depending on the quality and the number of tasks submitted)
- 100% payment for 75% accuracy (for example, if 3 of 4 tasks in a week were processed correctly, all 4 tasks will be paid)
- Weekly payment for the work performed in the previous week.
*Amounts may vary due to currency fluctuations. (based on 50-190 EURO)
Send your meaningful application with CV to
Reputation is a question of credibility and trust. The following small selection of testimonials should give you an impression about us and our work.
„Remote Viewer was and still is my dream job. At the Remote Viewing Institute I didn't just found a home - I found a family.“
Heidi Reinicke
„As a Remote Viewer, I have all the freedom I want. Especially more time for my wife, kids and hobbies.“
Frank Schneider
„The beauty of Remote Viewing is that I can do it from anywhere in the world. So I can travel the world and still earn money.“
Markus Pfeifer